导航:ok电子元器件资料网 > 电子元器件器品牌 > OKI Datasheet > OKI-66

PB28 MSM7578HRS MSM64162A-XXXGS-BK MG114P14 MSC23S4721E-8BS18 MSM14Q1020 MSM13Q0530 MSC23B236A-60BS8 MSM66Q589GS-BK MSM5718C50-53GS-K OL4201N MG63PB38 MSC1164SS MSM5116405A-70TS-K MSM6946GS-2K MSM13Q1020 MSC2343257D-70BS8 MSM6378A MSM514400E-70SJ MSC23408C-80DS8 MSM13Q0340 MSM663

OKI 元件资料手册列表-66

MSM66P201-XXXSS OKIOLMS-66K series 16-bit microcontroller
MG65PB28 OKI0.25mm embedded DRAM/Customer Structured Array
MSM7578HRS OKISignal rail CODEC
MSM64162A-XXXGS-BK OKI4-bit microcontroller with built-in RC oscillation type A/D converter and LCD driver
MG114P14 OKISOG series
MSC23S4721E-8BS18 OKI4,194,304-word x 72-bit synchronous dynamic RAM module (2bank)
MSM14Q1020 OKI0.35 mm sea of gates arrays
MSM13Q0530 OKI0.35 mm sea of gates arrays
MSC23B236A-60BS8 OKI2,097,152-word x 36-bit DRAM module
MSM66Q589GS-BK OKIOLMS-66K series CMOS 16-bit microcontroller
MSM5718C50-53GS-K OKI18Mb(2Mx9) concurrent RDRAM
OL4201N OKIService channel FP laser module
MG63PB38 OKI0.25mm embedded DRAM/Customer Structured Array
MSC1164SS OKI20-bit grid/anode driver
MSM5116405A-70TS-K OKI4,194,304-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM
MSM6946GS-2K OKI300 bps single chip FSK MODEM
MSM13Q1020 OKI0.35 mm sea of gates arrays
MSC2343257D-70BS8 OKI4,194,304-word x 32-bit dynamic RAM module
MSM6378A OKIOTR ROM built-in voice synthesis IC
MSM514400E-70SJ OKI1,048,576-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM
MSC23408C-80DS8 OKI4,194,304-word x 8-bit DRAM module
MSM13Q0340 OKI0.35 mm sea of gates arrays
MSM6636 OKISAE-J1850 communication protocol conformity transmission controller for automotive LAN
MR27V802DTP OKI524,288-word x 16-bit or 1,048,576-word x 8 bit one time PROM
MSM5117800C-60TS-L OKI2,097,152-word x 8-bit dynamic RAM
MSM51V17400DSL-60SJ OKI4,194,304-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM
MSM51V17405A-70TS-K OKI4,194,304-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM
MG75PB34 OKICSA series
MSM514400DL-60TS-K OKI1,048,576-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM
MSM514256CL-50ZS OKI262,144-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM

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