
  • CHV2241-99F/00
    • K-band oscillator wih integrated Q-band harmonic mixer
  • CHV2242A-99F/00
    • Q-band VCO based on Ku-band oscillator and Q-band multiplier
  • CHV2243-99F/00
    • Fully integrated Q-band VCO based on Ku-band oscillator and Q-band multiplier

CHV2243-99F/00 PDF资料和参数原理简介

品牌 : UMS 

封装形式 : Chip 

引脚数量 : 15 

温度范围 : 最小 -40 °C | 最大 100 °C

文件大小 : 108 KB

功能应用 : Fully integrated Q-band VCO based on Ku-band oscillator and Q-band multiplier 

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